WRITTEN: The Art in Truth in Comedy by Charna Halpern and Del Close

The Art in Truth in Comedy by Charna Halpern and Del Close

This improv manual introduced the concepts of the “Harold” — the innovative improvisational tool that helped Saturday Night Live’s Mike Myers, Chris Farley, George Wendt, and many others on the road to TV and film stardom. The innovative concepts are described fully in this insightful theatre book that has become the bible for wannabe improvisers. The “Harold” is an improv form involving six or seven players. It consists of many things: scenes, songs, games, and monologs — the most important of which is the two-scene beginning. A strong opening develops the point of view for “The Group Mind” to follow, often with three different storylines. It tells how to create a non-linear entertainment that remembers everything and wastes nothing — the key to successful improvising.

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