Artistic Grounded Chicago Romantic Comedy Brandon Ogborn, Brianna Baker and Michael Malarkey combine forces for “Young Couple,” my new favorite web series. Ogborn and Baker previously worked together on The TomKat Project and knowing how brilliant that production was, only adds to my anticipation for the launch of this series.
VIDEO: Young Couple by Brandon Ogborn, Brianna Baker & Michael Malarkey
Nerd Comedy Festival @ Stage 773
Nerd Alert. The Comedians Have Arrived. Chicago’s comedy scene is about to get wild. In two weeks, Chicago will host the country’s (maybe even the world’s) largest improv festival – The Chicago Improv Festival. However, as a precursor to that festival, let’s divert all eyes to the Second Annual Nerd Comedy Festival hosted at Stage 773 this week. Many of us comedy folks happily identify ourselves as nerds, so it only seems fitting to make an entire festival celebrating this … →
VIDEO: It’s a Freelance Life by Garlic Jackson
Annie Parody Success Garlic Jackson hails from New York, however, I saw and reviewed them in this year’s Chicago SketchFest. This was my favorite sketch I saw from them, so you can imagine my delight when they reached out to me to inform me that they made it into a video.
REVIEW: Pas De Deux @ Chemically Imbalanced Comedy
An Introspective Two-Sided Comedy Pas De Deux is a two person sketch show fueled by the idea that there are two sides to comedy. Stephanie Anderson presents a more intellectual side of comedy and Peter Kim presents the “dumb” side of comedy. Do you laugh at wit or flatulence? To each their own and with a comedy dual-sided, one may be torn.