Tribal Chanting Transformation

The Greatest Inspiration is People

Yes, I am continuing my inspiration hunt and it has been going well thus far. However, the real reason for this blog post stems from my improv class last night. People kept telling me I should take improv, soI thought I’d give it a shot. Last night we started the class with this exercise called Tribal Chanting Transformation and it blew my mind. My instructor started off explaining this exercise was based on inspiration. It was as if she was inside my head. Thank you Jessica Rogers.

She had us all lie on our backs on stage with our heads in the middle of a circle and she turned the lights off. We were to communicate through sound, not words, only sound and the next sounds would form from inspiration from the previous sounds. We all chimed in and what happened during those 7 minutes of chaos was beautiful. I wish I had it recorded. We went through raindrops, hissing cats, cheering, rollercoaster roars, pounding, chanting, coos, bird calls, the Amazon, grunts, sickness, chuckles, evil villains, the Opera and so much more. No one tried to steal the spotlight. Everyone accepted and supported the new sounds introduced into the game and somehow our voices all became one without anyone directing us to do so. No judgement was passed. No questions asked. We all just made sounds and expressed ourselves, all inspired by the other people in the room.

It might have been one of those things where “you just had to be there” but it really was an incredible experience. This was just such a clear example of how people are the greatest inspiration.

Don’t judge. Don’t mock. Don’t question. Just let it be, observe and digest.

If you’re open to allowing your vision of the world to change, it will.

Just let go.


(…and take an improv class.)

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